Group Registration
Basic Registration Information:
Please download the following forms to be turned in at the registration table.
Thursday - July 31, 2025
Registration - 5:00-6:30 PM
Game Time - 6:20-6:50 PM
Evening Service - 7:00 PM
Friday - August 1, 2024
Morning Service - 10:00 AM
Lunch - 12:30 PM
Dinner - 5:30-6:30 PM
Game Time - 6:30-6:50 PM
Evening Service - 7:00 PM
Dress Code
All services will be modest church attire. Please make sure all dress, both men and ladies, is above reproach. We want to glorify God in all we do at this meeting, and this includes the things we wear!
Activity Dress Code
Ladies - modest clothing; no pants, shorts or form fitting clothes; culottes, skirts or dresses must be at least 2" below the knees. It
Men - no shorts or sleeveless shirts; no t-shirts with worldly sayings or logos. Athletic pants and t-shirts suggested.